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Donor Engagement Platform

Personal Connection for the 21st Century

Today, most of our online experiences are personalised, with a combination of knowledge about what we might be interested in, and with the platforms we are interacting with identifying who we are. Online giving hasn't kept up - until now.

With our donor engagement platform, you can create 1-1 engagement between a student caller and a prospect through custom messages, videos, content and calls to action. Just as easy is creating 100,000 pages, one for each alumnus/alumna, with content tailored to their interests and past engagement.

So whether you're looking for a 21st century engagement strategy with small cohorts of high value donors, or a way to make your annual report shorter and more relevant for every constituent, get in touch to find out how we can help you.
What your donors say about their experience
""I couldn't be more grateful and pleased to receive this personal video. It's really so kind of you. I wish I could have done more. Please kindly pass on my gratitude to her and wish her all the best in her study and her journey.""
Anonymous Donor
London Business School

Ready to create a spectacular personal digital experience for your donors?

Our team has worked with programmes all across the world. We'd love to speak with you.
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